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Resale allows versatile business dealings

Resale allows versatile business dealings

Resale allows versatile business dealings
Michele Ciadella, President of the European Association of Machine Tool Merchants EAMTM in Bruxelles
Resale is an appointment you can not miss as it is one of the main exhibitions of the international market.

Besides it is an opportunity for meeting for EAMTM members who can buy and exchange machines there; these activities are often as much profitable as a sale because a good purchase is already half a sale and because if in a country there are many machines built abroad that can not easily sold, in the country of origin the same are very requested.
The membership to ‚EAMTM“ makes these transactions easier and safe as the basis of each of them is a code of ethics. In many cases, the attendance at resale serves to consolidate existing relationships or contacts made by our internet platform that is very important and decisive in our machines offer as its structure is easy both for search and reading thanks to 12 languages. Resale is moreover a mean to approach many expanding new markets such as East Europe countries and other where our presence can be consolidated more and more.
Unfortunately our efforts are often compromised by the current monetary situation that makes difficult to penetrate into the dollar area. In conclusion the most interesting markets are the East Europe ones now.
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